It's been a while since I watched this film first time round, I watched it again this week and it's just as inspiring and amazing what these guy's did... directed by the legend that is Stacy Peralta.
Today's lunchtime soul treat is Marvin Gaye's "This Love Starved Heart of Mine (It's Killing Me)" an unrealised track that took over three decades to see the light of day.
This is Rob's Records in Nottingham it has to be the most disorganised shop ever. You can have a 360 walk round here although it has apparently got worse since this was filmed, and came close to burning down recently. I have also found and interesting interview with Rob explaining who it all started.
If you haven't already been on the site, check out teepay you can buy original designs or create your own designs and sell them. Ohh and they have nicked my design for the website banner...
I watched this film the other night, after Lovefilm sent me more films from the bottom of my list. It definatly makes you want to pack your bags and leave the rain and dark nights behind.